

PTT Exploration and Production Public Co., Ltd. (PTTEP) hereby invites you to submit information on your company, organization and staff for the purpose of qualifying as PTTEP’s pre-qualified vendor for the category of goods and/or services specified in the questionnaire document attached herewith.

Please kindly note that this pre-qualification is pre-requisite and separated from tendering process. Also, it is not guaranteed that all pre-qualified vendor will be invited to join bid and has a business with PTTEP. After pre-qualification evaluation is completed and a vendor is considered qualified for supplying goods or performing services under the specified category, the pre-qualified vendor name will be valid in PTTEP’s “Pre-Qualified Vendor List” for a period of 3 years and will become expired. PTTEP will re-assess the Vendor to renew validity of Pre-qualified/Qualified status for another 3 years subject to his latest qualifications and/or performance in supplying goods or services to PTTEP.

Your co-operation in completing the attached questionnaire and supplying the following documents would be highly appreciated.

  1. Certificate of Incorporation (หนังสือสำคัญแสดงการจดทะเบียนบริษัทและหนังสือรับรอง) For Overseas Vendor: Please add a copy of Company Registration Certificate
  2. Memorandum and Articles of Association (หนังสือบริคณห์สนธิ และ ข้อบังคับ)
  3. Certified Copy of Authorized Signatory of Director or Managing Director (สำเนาภาพถ่ายตัวอย่างลายเซ็นของกรรมการหรือหุ้นส่วนผู้จัดการ) For Overseas Vendor: Please add a copy of the passport of Director or Managing Director
  4. Shareholders List (บัญชีรายชื่อผู้ถือหุ้น บอจ.5)
  5. Certificate of VAT Registration (หนังสือจดทะเบียนภาษีมูลค่าเพิ่ม) (If any)
  6. Copy of certified Financial Statements or annual reports for the last three years (as submitted to Ministry of Commerce: for Thai vendors) (งบการเงิน ตามที่แสดงต่อกระทรวงพาณิชย์ สำหรับสามปีที่ผ่านมา)
  7. For Overseas Vendor only: A Power of Attorney (POA) is required if such authorized person is not the Company Director.