Payment Plus

Payment Plus for Vendor Registration

Payment Plus is the path way for vendors to place invoice(s) online.

Before access to Payment Plus, vendor is required to comply with the following criteria.

  1. Vendor with purchase order (PO) or accounting transaction with PTTEP.
  2. Vendor has registered email for Payment Plus.

Steps for email registration for Payment Plus

  1. Click menu "Company Profile".
  2. Click sub-menu "Company Detail" (sub-menu on left hand side).
  3. See section "Registered Address" "Contact Person List".
  4. Click "Add Item +" button.
  5. Fill in required information.
  6. Tick "Payment Plus Email" box.
  7. Click "Save".

Steps for accessing Payment Plus

  1. At Home tab Click icon "Payment Plus+".
  2. Fill in the email registered for Payment Plus.
  3. Click "Send".

If the input email match with the registered email, system will show pop up "Success. Please check email".

If not, system will display error pop up.